A current B2B contact list, accurately researched and updated, specifically relevant to the attributes of a target audience, will deliver. (Learn more in Part 3 of Purchasing B2B Direct Marketing Dat…
As with many staged productions, potential leads are instrumental in the success of any direct marketing campaign.

A current B2B contact list, accurately researched and updated, specifically relevant to the attributes of a target audience, will deliver. (
Learn more in Part 3 of Purchasing B2B Direct Marketing Data by Price) www.corpdata.co.uk/data-by-price-part-3
Performance is key
Targeted to the right audience, a highly tuned marketing campaign will give a good return on investment. Using the right contacts for your campaign is key; purchasing B2B mailing data by price, however, could lead to unwanted costs. (Read more in Part 1 of Purchasing B2B Direct Marketing Data by Price)
Read MoreBy recognising that an up-front saving on data can play out as a bottom line disaster, our customers repeatedly avoid these pitfalls and can boast consistently productive campaigns.The printing and fulfilment costs of undeliverable mailers, the man hours of telemarketers contacting dead lines and demoralised sales teams; all result in a less than favourable return from the original outlay!
And it may cost more than the marketing budget - next month we explore this.It is all too easy to be tempted by more names for less, whether as a cost saving exercise or to reach out to a wider audience, or indeed both. These decisions based on price alone can create problems, the impact of which can be difficult to quantify.
Sales teams can loose motivation when given poor quality information. Telemarketers may call the deceased, responders of such calls may share their bad experiences on-line with disastrous effect. 86% of people claim a negative review impacts on buying decision, this kind of press can be disastrous for Brand association and reputations.
On a positive note, when using B2B direct marketing data specifically researched for your target audience, accurate and up-to date will likely add to the required performance of your campaigns. You may pay more but you will endure less of the drama!