These days small, medium and large enterprises amass huge amounts of information which often just sits within their organisations. This information might come from all sorts of places; sources might…

These days small, medium and large enterprises amass huge amounts of information which often just sits within their organisations. This information might come from all sorts of places; sources might include transactional data, general contact and customer relationship management (CRM) information, social media followers, whitepaper downloaders, old leads and more. This data, collated and analysed effectively, sometimes allows you to usefully differentiate future business prospects into different segments thereby ensuring that your marketing communications are much more likely to be relevant both in terms of their content and the channel that you decide to use.
Your client and past marketing results can be a goldmine of information so it’s worth spending time looking at what you have and its potential relevance to your marketing objectives. A good data supplier can help you do this. Corpdata often help clients mine and profile what they have that’s useful, the result of which can then make future direct marketing and the selection of additional marketing contacts targeted with more precision on those most likely to respond to what you send out.
Identify similarities to improve your targeting
Similarly examining the stats from different marketing channels can suggest which methods of communication have worked better and generated the best results; allowing you to focus attention accordingly. There is sometimes a right way and a wrong way; for example, email marketing might really work for one business customer while another might not even open your email but be more likely to respond to something you have posted to them. Your data, organised effectively also allows you to use other ways identifying similarities, again to target more effectively. Geography and location allow you to better plan and promote any event or face to face campaign, by identifying the right people in the right places. If you have some people you want to get in front of, a good marketing list supplier can often find you many more.
After properly analysing your existing data, with or without help, you’ll be in a better position to identify who you want to target, what you want to say to them and which marketing channel(s) you should use. Only then can you have confidence that your choices will maximise your campaign return.
If you can identify who is most likely to buy from you, speak to Corpdata to give your campaign a real boost by finding you more good to target business contacts. Next month we’ll be giving you a helpful checklist to go through when choosing your B2B data provider.