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Posted on 28/08/2014 at 09:00By Corpdata
This blog continues our series of suggestions "B2B email marketing tips (part 1)" on how to create more effective emails:
Find key words or phrases, ideally which are fresh, to include in your email marketing that appeal to your readers and will encourage them to read on.
Just a reminder, do not try to trick people about the content of the email marketing. If something is not at the heart of your message, don’t promise that it will be.
You can include a surprisingly large amount of information . . . but only so long as your reader has some motivation to read the next bit. BUT everyone is busy, so it’s wise to not beat around the bush. Make your point quickly and avoid boring the reader who may simply zap the message.
To make your email easier to read use short paragraphs (max 5 lines) which each written to correspond to one of your themes.
It’s useful to use bullet points to make speed-reading both easier and faster.
You can highlight text, changing the style or font colour for example. BUT don’t over do it, you will create something messy. Sometimes worse is to over design your email marketing so that it looks like an advert. Be especially careful of using extensive HTML to 'beautify' – some SPAM filters will block too much HTML.
Use simple vocabulary. Avoid using too much jargon or acronyms, they can confuse and annoy people. The contact may not know you or your business. If your language is too technical you might not be understood, which leads to the predictable outcome – delete.
Your clients may have a vision of you as a certain type of organisation, maybe formal, professional or friendly. So unless you intend to change your style, your email marketing should reflect your 'ethos' otherwise you risk confusing the recipient. Equally, even if you are introducing yourself to a new prospect, use a a style you would be comfortable using on the phone or meeting face-to-face. Put a little of you in the newsletter – maybe humour, anecdote, opinion or personal details . . . but definitely some of your style.
We’ll conclude our 3rd blog in this series of blogs next week with our final suggestions on creating effective emails.
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Posted on 21/08/2014 at 09:00By Corpdata
Our world is awash with email. For yours to have the impact you are looking for, there are a few things you should do. We’re kicking of a series of 3 blogs on our list of things to cover – here’s our first 5 suggestions for B2B email:
Ensure you send to legitimate B2B email addresses. The safest are individuals who have opted-in, though sending to individuals working for legally incorporated entities, using their work email address is permitted on an opt-out basis.
Don’t forget to apply any un-subscribes and opt-outs you have had in the past – especially if you are using a new rented list which may include contacts who have previously opted out but have been re-supplied in your new rented list.
Your email should make clear your phone number and address as well as your company registration number (if you have one).
Make sure that when you select and target who you send to. Above all B2B email must be relevant to the recipient, so try to make sure they will understand why you sent it. If what you write doesn’t feel relevant you won’t gain any engagement, you may even get an un-subscribe and worse still you might win a bad reputation or dent your brand.
If you can, personalize your message and style to suit each recipient. B2B email, indeed all email, can seem impersonal. The impression that you are writing a specific and personal message should improve your results. Once your email is written, re-read it. Ensure it will make sense to the people you hope will read it, and makes the point you want made. Most people think that’s its wiser to write about the benefits of your offer rather than simply listing the features.
It should be short, clear and precise and arouse interest! We would suggest you stay away from anything too wacky and off the wall, otherwise the reader may feel tricked into opening the message. With so much B2B email, if possible, include a memorable keyword and allow the reader to find it again later. Ideally it would be about 25 characters long to be fully visible in nearly all email software. Be especially careful not to use words that will get the email blocked by spam filters (e.g. SALE)
Briefly say who you and your business are. This can often be done as a closing paragraph so you don’t have to lose the valuable impact in the first paragraph. For instance :
“Corpdata – the leading provider of UK B2B email marketing data, database cleansing & analytic services in the UK for over 20 years!”
. . . . it helps fill in any mental blanks and curiosity that they still might have.
We hope you find these 5 suggestions useful ones to start creating more effective B2B emails. Watch out next week for our 2nd blog in this series with more great suggestions.
Corpdata – all about accurate marketing data that works
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Posted on 14/08/2014 at 13:23By Corpdata
All day, every day, our research team phone companies to identify business contacts and the organisations they work in. Every call tries to find out who is responsible for each function or activity, to determine who actually makes the buying decisions, for anything from cars to copiers. We identify both decision making contacts and their job titles. This process gives our clients extra choice in using our UK B2B data.
Initially it can be tempting to select contacts by choosing from a list of job titles. Most list providers only offer this, so many people are only familiar with this approach. However, for many marketing projects, perhaps even most, choosing decision makers provides a better response rate, and also a larger relevant target audience to contact.
The fact is, if you sell IT equipment, for example, it's not just people with the IT job titles who will buy from you. A host of other people with job titles such as 'Finance Manager', 'Facilities Manager' or 'Managing Director', are responsible for making IT purchasing decisions. Clearly, this means there are more contacts available. Interestingly though, these less 'specialised' contacts might currently have no idea that your products and services exist. They might be surprised and excited by the benefits you can offer.
Even if you consider, for your products and services, they are no more or less likely to work for you – because most other list providers cannot offer the choice of, and provide data in this way – many of your competitors (who haven’t discovered Corpdata and our UK B2B data) are not able to target them . . . so your message is less likely to be swamped by many other similar offers. So your message is likely to have more impact, command more consideration and ultimately deliver an improved return on your total marketing investment.
Ultimately a lot depends on the trust you place in your data supplier. At Corpdata we are with you for the long run! We want to supply you the best list for your campaign. To achieve this, we find it helpful to have a clear understanding about what you are trying to do. We know about B2B data, but you know your business and market. What in your view works, what does not and what contacts we might be able to identify which will allow the campaign to deliver a good return. And that is what it is all about - for us both!
Corpdata – all about accurate marketing data that works
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Posted on 01/08/2014 at 10:00By Corpdata
It's not surprising. When you are planning your campaign there are so many things to consider, imagery, copy, design and media to mention a few. Successful campaigns come from the combination of all the various parts, and each component is vital to the whole. The costs of creative, copy-writing, fulfilment are wasted on a bad data record. This is all in addition to any reputation damage caused.
Fortunately, sourcing good, reliable, responsive data doesn't have to be a lottery. Please see our 13 page 'Data Buyers Guide' to avoid many of the pitfalls.
With Corpdata you can always be sure the data will work for you. We have been the leading UK B2B data list owner for over 20 years.
Don't stick your neck out, call us on 01626 777400
Corpdata – all about accurate marketing data that works
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