As The UK's premier B2B data provider, we understand that...
'Data doesn't create campaigns… Data is the enabler of campaigns'...and this is why, we make sure we supply accurate and up-do-date lists. For almost 25 years, we have telephone researched our data to ensure an average age of 94 days. We know our quality data will not be the cheapest. Yet, we are experienced enough to realise that there can be occasions when volume outweighs the importance of accuracy.
Throughout this 3 part series we will explore what happens when B2B data is purchased purely on price. In this issue, we find out how, and when it can occasionally work. Next month we focus on the financial implications of using less than accurate data and our final piece will identify costs which are harder to quantify.
But is everyone your audience?Email marketing campaigns are undoubtedly the cheapest (depending on what you count) and easiest method of getting high volumes of your message out there for less. Surely, if the sole objective is all about
noise generation, the more contacts the better?
Or, is it?
Without doubt, there is plenty of cheap B2B data to be found, often we don't have to search for it. 'Last opportunities to buy' and 'fire sales' of data landing in inboxes do nothing to dispel it is readily available. Invariably these kind of deals become more appealing as the number of contacts rise.
When it is considered that a total of 75% of businesses in the UK operate as a sole trader and just over 4% employ between 10 - 249 people, the authenticity of cheaper and high volumes of data has to be questioned.

For direct marketing email campaigns designed to create a loud and noisy awareness drive it is easy to see why these cheaper data lists are perceived as cost effective. And when there is no reputation to protect and it really is just about hitting as many contacts as possible. When outcomes are not an objective. Sending a generic message to a wider, non-specified audience is OK.
But data changes all the time. Companies fold. New businesses form. Premises change. Employees move on. Promotions happen. People pass away.

Out of date, or worse still fabricated data will result in less than favourable delivery rates. If blocked email and even domain level blocking really doesn't matter, and reputations are not at stake, then why not sacrifice quality for quantity? The reality is simple. Our customers don't want interruptions to their email traffic. They recognise that they have reputations to protect; want to build positive brand awareness and achieve a good return on their investment. That is why Corpdata UK is their chosen B2B data provider.
Next month we will look at the financial implications when using less accurate data for the more traditional marketing campaign.