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Improve Customer Experience with Great Marketing Data

Posted on 04/04/2017 at 09:00By Corpdata

As customers we are targeted and bombarded by information every day. So if it is your mission to achieve a response to your marketing messages you would do well to whenever possible personalize what…
Great marketing data

As customers we are targeted and bombarded by information every day. So if it is your mission to achieve a response to your marketing messages you would do well to whenever possible personalize what you write.

Writing for your audience with greater precision will help your message both stand out and feel more relevant to them. This makes it much more likely that what you send is not deleted or left unopened before finding its new home in the bin.

It used to be said that B2B marketing was dull and uninspiring and generally informational. Today’s B2B marketing now often places the recipient and the choice they have to make centre stage, so it pays to the who's and how's and write with this in mind. Try to do your utmost to offer an engaging and useful experience not only with what you write but with some consideration with your recipients preferred channel, device and time.

What’s the best way to do just this ? Aside from choosing a design which supports your objective, you should be sourcing your mailing list to allow you to have sufficient detail to use differences to bespoke what you send. Your existing customers won’t be impressed by your marketing offers for “new customers only”, or products which make no sense and have no value to them and their business. They will be impressed if what you write does reflect the activity, scope and scale of what they do.

Ensuring that your marketing list contains the fields which allow you to personalise, or with simple data capture (to augment existing data), is relatively straight forward particularly if you invest in automation. Marketing automation, allows you to manage how you communicate with your different audiences in a sophisticated way. Connecting with existing customers, lapsed customers or people who have yet to be customers and doing so with effectively with messages relevant to each becomes much more manageable. If you have the detail within your marketing list you can talk big to big companies, talk small to minnows.

The value of improving your customer experience by sourcing marketing data which contains the detail you need to get closer to those you target should not be underestimated.

Marketeers can increase their sales by making sure they are offering great value.

For over 25 years Corpdata have been providing excellent quality marketing data to enable our customers to get exceptional ROI. If you need to have the correct contact name to get your message to the decision maker, you should give us a call, or let us know who you are trying to contact. One of our team of experienced data consultants will be happy to work with you and guide you through finding the great marketing data you need.