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Triple your Business Leads in 2017

Posted on 25/01/2017 at 09:00By Corpdata

Every B2B business would love to triple their leads in 2017 right? So the question is how to do it. As a data provider we know that anyone who is serious about increasing their leads needs to start w…

More, better business leads = better business

Every B2B business would love to triple their leads in 2017 right? So the question is how to do it. As a data provider we know that anyone who is serious about increasing their leads needs to start with a strong foundation of solid data. So what do we mean by solid data?

Firstly your data needs to match your market. In order to generate leads your list must be relevant to your business. It might have been relevant when you bought or created it 5 years ago, but is it relevant now? What’s more, could it be improved? It might broadly map your market but quality data using analytical software can go much deeper than that.

Business leads - the details

You will also increase your leads by making sure your database is up to date. People and businesses move and key people change job roles. If your emails and mailouts aren’t reaching the right people there is zero chance of generating business. Getting accurate contact details will explode your results.

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So if you want to increase your business leads this year it’s worth going back to basics and doing a data audit. Whether you want your data cleansing or you’re interested in a new, targeted list of contacts, we can help.

To chat about your data needs contact Corpdata on 01626 777400 or email Corpdata