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Time for a Spring Clean

Posted on 01/04/2014 at 10:00By Corpdata

Spring is upon us and it’s about now we start to dust away the cobwebs around the workplace and look to replace the old and broken equipment that we no longer use.

It’s strange we don’t apply the…

Just ahead

Spring is upon us and it’s about now we start to dust away the cobwebs around the workplace and look to replace the old and broken equipment that we no longer use.

It’s strange we don’t apply the same logic to our list of business contacts. After all, when a photocopier no longer works, we replace it, but when a marketing list no longer functions, we tend to put its replacement on the back burner.

During April, Corpdata will put in the elbow grease to help lift your direct marketing results in the months ahead. Contact us to have a no obligation chat with a data consultant, who will advise you how we can update your existing business contact list adding the required contacts and companies with our Data Health Check Service with no strings attached.

If your existing list is old and tired, we’ll have a few ideas to help your direct marketing results sparkle.