21/12/2012 marked the close of the 13th Bak’tun, an almost 400 year period in the Maya long-count calendar. An apocalyptic date according to some sources.
So in case you were sitting on that marke…
Said the wise frog
21/12/2012 marked the close of the 13th Bak’tun, an almost 400 year period in the Maya long-count calendar. An apocalyptic date according to some sources.So in case you were sitting on that marketing campaign wondering if we were still going to have postmen, let alone post-boxes to drop mail into, it seems that another possibility could be correct - the end of the long count represents the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one.
Which, let’s face it, is rather good news.
So, about that marketing campaign; you’ll need some bang up to date and accurate information and it doesn’t come any more up to date and accurate than from Corpdata.
“They got this wise frog, see.” He said with a wink!
Actually, they do have this dedicated UK research team diligently calling and checking, been doing that for over 20 years and I guess that doesn’t hurt either.
Anyway, happy New Year/Cycle and if you are looking for the most accurate and cost effective way to start the New Year, then look no further.”