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How to Make Sure your Direct Mail doesn’t end up in the Bin!

Posted on 29/09/2016 at 12:03By Corpdata

Direct mail is too often overlooked these days. With so many ways to communicate in the digital age, and the perceived cost of direct mail (postage and print costs) direct mail, one of the most power…

How to Make Sure your Direct Mail doesn’t end up in the Bin!


Direct mail is too often overlooked these days. With so many ways to communicate in the digital age, and the perceived cost of direct mail (postage and print costs) direct mail, one of the most powerful marketing channels, is often overlooked.

The Main Challenge

So how do you make the most of direct mail? The main challenge is making sure your mail lands on the desk of the right person. You also need to make sure that person is still in the same role and that their name is accurate and up to date. If your mail ends up on the desk of someone who has changed role it may well end up straight in the bin. There’s no guarantee they’ll pass it on to the person who has taken over the role. Likewise if someone has left and mail turns up for them it may well be sent back to you or thrown away. It's never certain that same job role exists so it may be a wasted mailshot.

Here at Corpdata, our UK telephone researchers constantly update our data. They are on the phones every day making sure our lists are up to date, accurate and as detailed as possible.

Best prospects

We’ll help you find your best prospects. We can select your ideal list using geography, industry, employee size, decision making responsibility. We’ll do all the hard work – you just need to tell us what kind of customers you want to target.

So to make sure your direct mail lands on the desk of the right person and has the best chance of being opened by them, make sure your data is accurate, detailed and up to date. Providing you with the most effective and efficient route to your customers, saving you time and wasted resources while increasing your ROI is what we do here at Corpdata.

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