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July Newsletter

Posted on 17/07/2015 at 11:59By Corpdata

September 1st 2015 heralds the 65 registration plate . If you market vehicles, vehicle and fleet finance or services you may have an eye on the next new car registration date.
When you plan your mar…

Fill your plate with new business


September 1st 2015 heralds the 65 registration plate . If you market vehicles, vehicle and fleet finance or services you may have an eye on the next new car registration date.

When you plan your marketing or sales campaign you need your message to get in front of the right decision maker in the correct organisation. Corpdata’s Fleet Focus file lets you do just that. If you need to connect to UK fleet decision makers and want to know what vehicles and how many in each fleet, our file remains your most effective way to put your message across to 30,000 sites and their fleet decision maker contacts.

Our Fleet Focus file spans all industries, our telephone researched detail gives you a real targeting choice; not only is our database searchable by geography, organisation size, industry and more. If you require the number of cars, vans, lorries, motorbikes, plant, taxis and even buses just let us know.

European Data Protection Regulation – changes are coming

dataWhilst legislative change is still some way from any final version it remains likely that when it arrives there will be a significant impact to the use of information both in consumer and business-to-business markets.

Future regulation moves ever closer with the June commencement of Trilogue negotiations (Three way negotiations between the European Commission, European Parliament and the Council of the European Union). These negotiations are scheduled to continue until the end of this year to move closer to a final text of the proposed changes EU General Data Protection Regulation.

As a taster of our future data protection landscape the areas being debated include; territorial scope, the rights of data subjects, the obligations of data controllers and data processors and the remedies, liabilities and sanctions which might be imposed on transgressors. There is talk of a cross border action and one stop shops to ensure consistency across the EC.

We think it is highly likely that there will be some impact on UK direct marketing activity; on both consumer and business to business activity. The sanctions being considered may also be significant; whilst unlikely there has been some discussion of fines of up to five percent of turnover! Ouch !!

As we wrote earlier this year there remain lots of what ifs and buts. Changes are coming so we urge our clients to be mindful of data stewardship, legislative compliance now and to expand their thinking to what might happen in a couple of years and begin to take active steps to adopt measures to gain consent from those people who they touch with their marketing communications.

Racing Richard

racingEarlier this year we announced that we were sponsoring a young, aspiring racing driver in his novice season in Historic Formula Ford. Richard Mitchell is a student of Race Engineering in Taunton, and he has always wanted to have a chance at racing.

We have been following his progress on our website. It's been quite a season,Richard often shows up as the fastest novice, and is currently leading the series, having taken position 2 in the second race of the season, and normally finishing within the top five spots. The formula is really close, wheel to wheel racing, it's often really exciting, and it hasn't been without it's spills!

In the first race Richard span and rejoined in fifteenth place, eventually climbing back to finish in fifth, one place behind former F1 driver Tiff Needell. He also retired after a 'racing incident' recently, and in his last outing struggled with a tricky gearbox, dropping him many places off the start, but he recovered to claw his way back to 4th place.

If you feel like checking it out, we have put up his Twitter feed, together with links to YouTube videos of all the races, and the current Historic Formula Ford standings. Richard is still looking for sponsors, so if you are interested, please make contact with us and we will put you in contact with him.

We are planning to offer a small number of tickets on a 'first come first served' basis to our customers to watch the last race of the season at Silverstone. If you would like to go, please contact us and we will see if we can accommodate you. Find and follow the action just visit