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July Newsletter

Posted on 24/06/2013 at 16:09By Corpdata

We are looking forward to being back at Marketing Week Live so please come and see Andy Smith, Monique Swainson or Justin Lashley if you are visiting.

Doors open from 9.30 to 5.00 on Wednesday 26…

Marketing Week Live 2013

We are looking forward to being back at Marketing Week Live so please come and see Andy Smith, Monique Swainson or Justin Lashley if you are visiting.

Doors open from 9.30 to 5.00 on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th June and if you want to make the most of your visit to what is probably the biggest marketing event in the calendar, you might find it useful to pre-register, just click here (register now).

If you are visiting be sure you include the Digital & Data Zone where you will find us on stand A363.

See you there!

To post or not to post – it’s a question that a lot of people are asking.

We all have a view on where direct mail sits within the range of options we have to connect to our prospects and customers. We thought it might be interesting to invite you to make your views known about direct mail and your use or not over the coming months.

If you have five minutes complete our quick survey. It’s not constructed to be a scientific exercise but one which throws some light onto the perceptions that we hold toward direct mail. We hear conflicting opinions; some clients are returning to direct mail, others have no intention to use it all.
What do you think?

Click here to take part, and thank you in advance.

Cleaner and Brighter.

And that’s just our new website! Yes, here at last!

Visit to see the new look of Corpdata online.

Information about our files and the augmenting and cleansing services we offer are a couple of clicks away. We hope you find it easier to navigate and find the information you are looking for.

Why not take a good look now and if you think we’ve missed something please let us know.

We Count for You, so Count on Us.

We believe strongly that our aim remains to provide data which helps our clients generate an optimal return on their marketing spend. We maintain that it is vital that the data we supply is accurate, up to date and detailed, and with the help of an experienced and understanding Data Consultant, we deliver lists of contacts able to meet our client’s needs. Our clients get a better list and better results when working with someone here who knows the source database inside out.

We see examples of this every day. From our constant stream of enquiries, one or two always seem at first glance to be mission improbable! Some are of course. However there are those that need a bit more thought. Only when we cast an experienced eye over a request can we really see what we can do.

We are fortunate because using telephone interviews to generate our data not only produces “from the horse’s mouth” accuracy of contact and company names, phone numbers and email addresses but it also captures other details which time and again prove immensely useful in making a good selection. When we phone a site we always validate what the organisation does in real detail, and in doing this we create yet another search field to find those nuggets buried deep.

It happened to our data consultant Justin the other day. He was asked if we could supply contacts within particular types of laboratories, and it soon became obvious that codes, categories and listings were of limited help. To quote Justin ‘ it wasn’t a huge order but when it comes to supplying the right data we have the ability to really drill down into our data when we need to, as long as we engage our customers to describe what they need. The best way to sum this up is they know their business inside out, we know our data inside out.’

If there is a point to be made its that getting the most productive list is often the result of a good working partnership where our client permits us to really understand what they are trying to do.

Planning for Autumn

Ok, you haven’t had your summer holiday yet but September will be here before you can say (dare I?) SUN and it could be a good time to start thinking about your Autumn campaigns.

As you’ll know Autumn is usually one of the most responsive times of the year for direct marketing campaigns and the basis of any good campaign is great contact information.

Why not give us a call and let us know who you are going to be targeting in the Autumn so we can let you know what and how much information is available.